Sound: Daniel a.k.a captain awesome
Video team: Leong & Jeyna
Photography: Joel
Stage Crew: Jude, Ken Kit, Sam
Lighting: Tham
Stage manager: Dominic
Usher: Joseph S, Doreen K, Lisa & James K
Host: Captain Cuz
Thank you for making June ToT another success
It was first for Ken Kit and Sam to roll the cables! and we import Tham from Bernard's LG to help us with the light.
But anyway.....
We start off June Track of Talents with some smooth and soothing music.
James and Jude played a number on stage. At first ... something was wrong coz'...not that Jude didn't know how to play the Keyboard(If you don't know Jude can play all instruments but TRIES to sing =P) but it was because James was holding the guitar and everyone was waiting for him to play only to witness him play hold the guitar for like the next 3 mins or so ... haih .. but it was a beautiful sight to see him hold the guitar ... Good job James!!!
Anyway... James did play the Keys on the second number so everything went back to normal =)
NEXT up we have a short film ... "1:19

James, a college student who needs money for his tuition fees is in a hopeless situation as his older brother mindlessly gambles away their family savings. The tension increases between the siblings as confrontation and accusations are thrown around, causing James to take matters into his own hands...
OOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooo..... To bad you miss the movie. This is by far one of the best short films I've seen so far this TOT. I'm pretty excited to see where this project is heading. I have tried asking the people if we could show their videos in YOUTUBE but till today there has been no Thumbs up! =( Sigh Sigh .Keep you fingers cross in the near future.... On the mean time .... COME TO TRACK OF TALENTS!!!
Next on the list was an acoustic performance done by Neil and Dom (Ben if you're reading this...you better perform this month at TOT. The NeilDOM Factor is dying. Need the BENDOM factir back =P hehehehe) They did a number on John Mayer's song "Daughters".
Neil then presented a video on Father & Mothers day which was shot last month. That was a special presentation for all our parents who were or not present at TOT. Will post it up this week for you all to watch.
Neil shared about his relationship with his dad. His parents came to visit him in Malaysia. They had lunch at TGIF Sunway where his dad broke down in tears coz Neil is just not the type of guy who would get anything or ask his dad for something. Long story short, the highlight of the story was when the waiter came up to the table and asked Neil "Why did you let you dad cry? Is it because you asked him for a BMW (He said it jokingly)? His dad respond "If my son ask me for a BMW I would give it to him!" WOW...... What a cool Dad!!! Neil?!?!?! Why didn't you ask? hehehe
Well with that testimony, Neil shared a verse from the bible where it mentions ""If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!" Matthew 7:11
I'm not saying that Neil's dad is evil but it was a good example on how our earthly fathers who know how to give good gifts, how much more our Father in Heaven? Aren't we glad and greatful to have a Father Like Our Father God =)
1a.m. Relent played one of their church favorite song called "My Father" where it touched many of the peoples heart that night. I am one of them =)
Anyway.... enough of the teary moment and lets move on whats next!!! Which is......
Our featured artist of the month - DRUMMER FOR CHRIST (DFC) and FREE TO FALL

Drummers For Christ or DFC was up first and I tell you.... It was amazing!!!! I've watched DFC perform in the past but this is by far the best performance to date. Imagine 5 drummers on stage?!?! At first, I was like "How in the world are they going to set-up on stage with so little time?" But they proved me and the people wrong!
Vince, the founder of DFC was on stage with just a snare.... where as the performance starts to build... the other 4 drummer would come up and just assemble his drum set and theirs as well. A good example of team work and entertainment on the spot!!! AWESOME!!!! Wish I could explain more but... Will flash out the video later....
Last but not the least ...LADIES AND GENTLEMEN....FREE TO FALL!!!! Wohooooooo!!!!
An all Girl Band from Klang....(Why does all the good musician come from Klang?!?! I'm not sure how true is this statement but thats what I've notice so far =P) That night they showed why girl power was on the rise and still pushing strong. Imagine a band that started out from scratched, no music skills, where 3 years later they are out there with a single and playing in different places. They started off with a new song, as one of the lead singer would put it "Fresh from the oven" And then played songs from Paramore, Kate Perry (Oh and I like it!!! =P) and to end, they played their Hit Single "The Wait" that is making waves in Malaysia right now.

A good mix of paramore, lifehouse and of course "their own" sounds.... Its amazing to see where these girls will go in the years to come. If you do get a chance to see them perform...be sure to get their latest single. Hey!!! Support your local bands MALAYSIA!!!!
Oh to those who missed out, our Host Captain Cuz was giving away free HUGE LOLLY POPS to the crowd and contestants.... Its was so HUGE that you can play drum sticks with it!!! Maybe you can get your at next months Track ofTalents!!! Its not to be Missed!!!

1 comment:
wei.... how come didnt thank the projectionist also???? =(
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