Welcome to the year 2009 as it embraces us with a hug instead of a bite of reality, people, get your resolutions listed on paper on your hands and do this with me... tilt it sideways while looking at the paper, hold both ends of the paper and then pull your hands and see what happens? That's right! Your resolutions making way for your willpower! tee hee just kidding! Anyways, I hope you guys had a blast celebrating every occasion Malaysia has to offer, well short of holidays for Valentines, I was dragging my behind to uhm... never mind. We all had a good time, it's all good and it's all that matters *grins widely*
And what better way to start our TOT this year with a start of a long run major project which I would talk about in our next post. It is a noble work, mind you so if it tickles your fancy, give us a ring! So here's a preview of our upcoming TOT happening this Friday (Sorry for the late update, Dom's voice keeps ringing in my ear every time someone mentions TOT, "BLOG, BLOG, BLOG, BLOG") So since we're in the lineup also, he figured it's a good time to sit me down and make me squeeze out my last brain juice on the blog. So here goes, we have a dance performance, a beat boxing showcase, a short play called collateral damage and a couple of acoustic acts by some of the town's finest, namely Rhythm Beyond Reason. For more details, come over to check out the event happening this Friday, 27th of February 2009 at 7.30pm and if you do not know the directions, click here for the map. Till then ciao chin ciao!!
